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Astrology Sacred Crystalline Elixirs (crystal essences)

Astrology Sacred Crystalline Elixirs (crystal essences)


Astrology Sacred Crystalline Elixirs


These sacred crystal elixirs are high vibrational crystalline blends that bring you the essence of each zodiac/astrological sign in synergy with multidimensional healing energies. These elixirs are the perfect addition to your self-care and spiritual practice/tools or to gift for your loved ones. Great to incorporate for healers during sessions.


Handcrafted in ceremony during peak cosmic events, infused with healing energy, light codes, light language and love, these vibrational healing blends contain the pefect synergy of crystal essences suspended in frequency charged Western Australian Spring Water - attuned to the Hz of relevant chakra.


These are all master elixirs, you can water their potency down for more regular use by adding 7 drops to 100ml of spring water.


30ml in premium glass dropper bottle.

All signs are available, please select from dropdown or email if you wish for me to select for you intuitivly. 

Vegan, Cruelty Free, Alcohol Free.


Directions: Use up to 7 drops (max) when required to invoke and shift energies as per each astrological sign. As these are master elixirs only one drop is necessary.


Tip: you can add your elixir to baths, rituals, candle dressing, in spellwork, directly on chakra points and my favourite - just one drop in diffusers with your favourite essential oils to disperese crystal essence through your space.


Enter coupon code PICKUP to organise parcel collection from Scarborough, WA.

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